Friday 15 November 2013

Fight adulteration and save our children!!

Today’s children are the citizens of tomorrow. Their future is the nation’s future. Their holistic development (mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially) is the steering to the nation’s progress tomorrow and their responsibility towards family and society. It was Pundit Nehru’s dream of seeing all children educated, loved, cared, and protected. This 14th day of November, Nehru’s birthday, is celebrated as Children’s Day to commemorate his love for children.
Sahara Q Shop Wishes Happy Children's Day

Are you, as parents, confident about your children’s health? Are you providing them nutritious food? Good health is the base to their excellent educational foundation and their holistic development. The healthier they are, the brighter they will be in their academic and extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, the market is full of adulterated food and we all consume the ‘slow poison’ everyday in milk, pulses, cereals, noodles, jams, corn flakes, vegetables, confectioneries, and what not!

Adulterants used in food are mostly carcinogenic and cause a host of health problems. Stomach disorders, liver damage, brain damage, behavioral problems, epidemic dropsy, glaucoma, cardiac arrest, kidney failure, lungs disorder, digestive difficulty, paralysis, cancer are only few of the diseases caused by adulterants. Children are the most vulnerable to these diseases.

Say ‘No’ to adulterated food! Ensure safe health of your children. The way you take care of the health of your children greatly determines their future health status. Get unadulterated food for your children. Build for them a healthy and better future by providing them nutritious food. Let’s take a pledge today, this Children’s Day, that we provide them pure unadulterated food everyday. Let us implement this pledge heartily and in true spirits! Fight adulteration and save our children!

To know more details you may visit the site

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